HR Consultant Katja Bacquias sitzt lächelnd am Schreibtisch vor ihrem Laptop. Sie trägt einen hellblauen Blazer und ein Headset.


Katja Bacquias

HR Consultant

Hinfallen, Aufstehen, Krone richten, Weiter gehen!

After a long and intense time of managing a language study abroad company in Vienna Katja decided to switch to human resources in order to act more for people. Recruiting has always been the start of a fresh journey in a new company. If she is not in the office, she is somewhere singing on a stage or singing in front of a stage.

core area
  • HR Consultant
  • Loves people: My mission: finding the right people for the right companies at DreiKreis
  • Loves languages: Regional ManagerĀ  in Austria of an European language study agency
  • France mon amour : International area Manager in a construction company in France for branches in South Africa, Sweden and Switzerland
  • Loves travelling: studied tourism in Germany

About us