Recruiting for IT project management jobs with DreiKreis

In order to successfully manage complex IT projects, competent IT project management is essential. Companies benefit from IT project management especially in processes such as software changes, migrations and implementations. DreiKreis specialises in recruiting for IT project management positions in companies. Through our individual approach, we acquire qualified IT project managers who are an excellent match for your company.

Your benefits

Our recruiting for IT project management jobs brings together motivated IT recruiting specialists who search for suitable candidates for your company with expertise, perseverance and sensitivity. DreiKreis brings together candidates and clients on a personal level and thus establishes a sustainable connection.


We are committed to bringing people together. Our core values are humanity, attentiveness and authenticity. You will also sense this in our IT recruitment process, which is designed to create a sustainable working relationship that you are happy with.


We work in an agile, transparent, team-orientated and reliable manner to guarantee you a seamless collaboration. We use proven processes and exclusive networks to quickly access the most suitable talent

On equal terms

Through the personal approach of our IT recruitment consultancy, we guide companies to suitable IT project managers and help them to successfully build up their IT expertise.

We differ from other IT project management recruiters in our approaches, principles and methods. We not only look for expertise, but also find IT specialists who complement your team with their interpersonal qualities.

  1. Requirements analysis
    The basis for our successful recruiting is a detailed interview in which we get to know your company and the requirements of the IT project management position in detail.
  2. Multi-channel search
    We start the structured search process using our database and social media – always keeping you up to date.
  3. Revealing profiles
    We provide you with suitable profiles including live videos. On request, we can coordinate the interviews for you and provide advice throughout the entire recruiting process.
  4. Appointment
    You only pay if you decide on one of our candidates.

IT project management:
More important than ever

The demand for people with expertise in IT project management is continuously increasing. Companies benefit from IT project management know-how in many different ways:

➔   Guidance: IT project managers oversee a wide range of IT projects and processes in your company. You plan, steer and control these projects and ensure that your company takes the right steps.

➔   Recognising potential: Technologies play an increasingly important role in companies. IT project managers have comprehensive expertise and identify new opportunities and unexploited potential.

➔   Productivity: In a world in which a multitude of processes take place in the digital space, vast amounts of data are generated. Companies collect this data, but often do not know what use they can make of it. Tech experts help you to increase your productivity with data.

Specialized in IT und Tech

As a partner for the placement of IT project management personnel, DreiKreis specialises in various IT and technology fields in order to provide you with highly qualified personnel to match your company.

Starting situation

Our client faced a staffing challenge in the middle of the holiday season during the first summer of the corona pandemic. The company was in the process of restructuring. An agile mindset was to be introduced. A key member of the company, a product owner, was unfortunately not able to participate in the current change process and lead his team to break new ground. It could be challenging for the new person, as the predecessor had been with the company and established for a very long time. The HR department therefore approached us to discreetly and covertly find a suitable socially competent replacement for this position who could deal with resistance to change and drive the team.

The solution

We received a job description from the HR department, clarified the general conditions and found three candidates who matched the profile within a very short time. Although technically suitable for the job offer, our client rejected the proposals. The requirements of the position were so complex that they were not fully covered by the description. At the suggestion of the HR department, a personal profile raising exercise followed with the specialist department, which had run into staff shortages. After the clarifying conversation, we quickly understood the requirements of the position, which, in addition to high social competence, required a profound understanding of processes and niche knowledge. As it was holiday time and some contact persons were not available over the next few weeks, there was time pressure. With full commitment and record time, we were able to find a suitable candidate in a structured search, who matched the position perfectly, both professionally and socially. She managed to successfully accompany the team in this process of change. She is still active in the company today and fulfils her role with competence, verve and assertiveness.

“Ich wechsle IT Projekte und Firmen sehr oft. Für mich ist DreiKreis eine gute IT-Recruiting Agentur, weil sie mir sehr geholfen haben, in interessante Projekte in Wien reinzukommen. Eine Empfehlung!”


Martej Rehak (IT Expert, Java Developer)

“DreiKreis hat ein ganz tolles Team mit viel Elan, Ehrgeiz und jeder Menge Spaß!”

Ursula Oberhollenzer (Blue Cube – Agentur für nachhaltige Kommunikation, Geschäftsführung)

“Sehr kompetente, freundliche und persönliche Betreuung! Ich freue mich auf die weitere gute Zusammenarbeit.”

Wolfgang König (Kapsch TrafficCom)

“Ich hatte das Glück, nach einigen Erfahrungen mit Konkurrenzfirmen, in den Händen von IT Recruiter DreiKreis zu landen. Der Unterschied hinsichtlich Service- und Kundenorientierung aber auch die Qualität der Prozesse und Kandidaten haben mich restlos überzeugt.”

Mag. Roman Chromik (Cards & Systems EDV-Dienstleistungs GmbH, Geschäftsführung)

“Ein tolles und professionelles Team. Ich freue mich schon auf die nächste Zusammenarbeit!”

Christian Schleining (Frontend Developer, IT expert)

“DreiKreis ist Termin-Zuverlässigkeit, gute Profilaufbereitung und gutes G’spür für die Leut’ – DANKE und viel Erfolg noch DreiKreisler!”

Sebastian Skalic (EnCon – Software Engineering und Consulting, Geschäftsführung)

“Sie machen die Besetzung von komplizierten Positionen bei uns einfacher. Es ist eine Freude mit Ihrem Team zu arbeiten!”

Martin Neumann (Kapsch BusinessCom, Operations Strategy Architect)

“Ich habe mit DreiKreis den besten Partner gefunden, um IT Fachkräfte zu finden, die gerne bei Willhaben arbeiten. Die Mitarbeiter von DreiKreis waren von Anfang an super offen und die Zusammenarbeit ist sehr entspannt. Ich habe bei DreiKreis nie das Gefühl, dass ich aus meiner Firma rausgehen muss. DreiKreis ist wie eine Verlängerung von uns. Ich bekomme auch immer ehrliche Feedbacks, was unsere Arbeit verbessert. DreiKreis hat uns tolle Kandidaten geliefert.”

Annalena Pfeifer-Weidenhaus (willhaben internet service GmbH. Recruiting & Employer Branding)

“Der Erstkontakt und auch die weiteren Termine waren professionell, gut aufbereitet und die Mitarbeiter konnten ein klares Bild über die offene Stelle vermitteln. Es hat mir Freude gemacht mit Ihnen in dieser Zeit zusammen arbeiten zu dürfen.”

Ing. Jürgen Grassler (Teamleitung, IT Experte)

“I have been so pleased to work with DreiKreis. Whether you are a job seeker or an employer, I highly recommend DreiKreis for your needs. I have been completely satisfied and pleasantly surprised by their attention to detail and superb level of personal attention.”

Kelly Geyer (Scrum Master, IT Expert)

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